Guts UK
1642 Donations
People are suffering. People are dying. All because of a lack of knowledge about our guts. Guts UK is the only UK charity funding research into the digestive system from top to tail; the gut, liver and pancreas.
Our guts have been underfunded, understaffed and undervalued for decades. Together, we will join forces and bring about important change in this misunderstood area of health.
Since 1971 we have funded almost 300 projects and invested nearly £16 million pounds into medical research that leads to better diagnoses and treatments for the millions of people who, like us, don’t have the luxury of taking our guts for granted.
With new knowledge, we will end the pain and suffering for the millions affected by digestive diseases. Guts UK’s research leads to earlier diagnoses, kinder treatments and ultimately, a cure.
Our guts have been underfunded, understaffed and undervalued for decades. Together, we will join forces and bring about important change in this misunderstood area of health.
Since 1971 we have funded almost 300 projects and invested nearly £16 million pounds into medical research that leads to better diagnoses and treatments for the millions of people who, like us, don’t have the luxury of taking our guts for granted.
With new knowledge, we will end the pain and suffering for the millions affected by digestive diseases. Guts UK’s research leads to earlier diagnoses, kinder treatments and ultimately, a cure.
Your donation will help fund research leading to earlier diagnoses, kinder treatments and ultimately, a cure. Thank you.
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